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讲座题目:    Multimodal Theories in Translation and Interpreting Studies



主讲人:      Luis Pérez-González 曼彻斯特大学翻译与跨文化研究中心主任、博导)

主持人:      潘莉威尼斯人最新官网翻译系)                      

时间:         325日(星期五)10:00

地点:        七教412 


Multimodal Theories in Translation and Interpreting Studies 

The starting premise of this session is that academic interest in non-verbal semiotic resources and their role in processes of interlingual and intercultural transfer is unevenly spread across different scholarly strands within translation studies. As far as the breadth of this research agenda is concerned, images appear to be the only non-linguistic meaning-making signs showing an increasingly recognised potential to inform research in translation studies. Dialogue interpreting, and audiovisual or drama translation, to give but a few examples, still lack the theoretical and methodological concepts and tools to systematically analyse semiotic resources such as the gestures and facial expressions accentuating face-to-face conversation; the choices of fonts, colours and patterns of textual-visual interaction in printed advertisements; or the use of music and lighting in the staging of a drama production, respectively. This session will survey ongoing research on how different semiotic resources shape translational behaviour in different communicative contexts, including but not limited to the interaction between speech and image in printed media and motion pictures; the modelling of composite semiotic systems, such as movement, gestures and gaze; and the representation of identities and ideologies using non-verbal resources.



Pérez-González,英国曼彻斯特大学翻译与跨文化研究中心主任、翻译学博导、多个SSCIA&HCI收录的国际著名期刊的主编、顾问和审稿人。多年担任国际期刊The Interpreter and Translator Trainer (ITT)SSCIA&HCI)主编,现为ITT InTRAlinea Papers Lextra 的顾问委员会委员,同时是包括The TranslatorSSCIA&HCI),The Journal of Language and Politics((SSCIA&HCI))在内的多个翻译学和语言学国际著名期刊的客座主编和审稿人。研究方向和兴趣包括媒体翻译、字幕翻译,多模态语篇分析,电子媒体和文化等。主要研究领域是影视翻译。作为最早涉足影视翻译的学者之一,Pérez-González博士经过15年的影视翻译教学和研究,已是国际学界公认的影视翻译研究的主要代表人物。其代表性研究成果包括近期Routledge出版社出版的著作Audiovisual Translation: Theories, Methods and Issues2014)、与Mona Baker、合作编著的系列专辑Critical Perspectives on Citizen Media 2016)以及与Routledge出版社签订来年出版的Routledge Handbook of Audiovisual Translation 2017)。在The Translator Perspectives: Studies in TranslatologyMetaInternational Journal of Cultural Studies Language and Intercultural Communication 等著名国际期刊上发表近40篇关于影视翻译研究、多媒体传播研究和电影研究以及语言、翻译和法律等交叉学科问题的期刊论文和专辑论文,7本学术著作和编著。

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