
姓名 蔡宏文 性别
职称 副教授 所在部门 外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心
职务 研究方向 语言测试、语言教育、教育测量
个人主页 办公室
办公电话 邮箱 hwcai@gdufs.edu.cn

蔡宏文,教授,硕士研究生导师,美国洛杉矶加利福尼亚大学(UCLA)应用语言学博士。研究方向:语言测试、语言教育、教育测量。学术论文散见于Language Testing,Language Assessment Quarterly,Frontiers in Psychology, The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,《现代外语》,《中国教育报》等,主持国家社科基金和教育部科研项目各一项。近年来担任硕士研究生的语言测试、教育测量、统计学等课程和本科生的英语听力技巧、学术听力等课程的教学。




Cai, H. (2020). Distinguishing language ability from the context in an EFL speaking test. In: G. J. Ockey & B. A. Green (Eds.), Another generation of fundamental considerations in language assessment: A festschrift in honor of Lyle F. Bachman (pp. 201–219). Singapore: Springer Singapore. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-8952-2_12

Cai, H. (2020). Relating lexical and syntactic knowledge to academic English listening: The importance of construct representation. Frontiers in Psychology, 11:494. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00494

Cai, H. (2019). Validity issues in linking tests of productive language skills to language standards: Generalizability and consistency. Modern Foreign Languages (5): 709–721. 蔡宏文,(2019),产出型语言考试与语言标准对接的效度问题——概推性与一致性.《现代外语》第5期:709–721.

Xu, L., & Cai, H. (2019). The effect of task characteristics on raters’ use of criteria in an EFL speaking test. Modern Foreign Languages (4): 540–551. 徐柳,蔡宏文,(2019), 英语口语测试任务特征对评分员关注点的影响.《现代外语》第4期: 540–551.

Cai, H., & Wang, W. (2018). Targeting TOEFL listening with appropriate learning materials and learning methods. Zhongguo Jiaoyu Bao (China Education Daily), Sept. 28, p. 6. 蔡宏文,王伟强,(2018),选择合适材料与方法,有针对性地提高托福听力。中国教育报,9月28日第6版。

Cai, H., Xu, M., & Feng, G. (2018). Communicative English for Chinese learners: Listening course 2. Beijing, China: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.蔡宏文主编,(2018),新交际英语听力教程2,外语教学与研究出版社。

Cai, H., Feng, G., & Deng, X. (2017). Communicative English for Chinese learners: Listening course 1. Beijing, China: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.蔡宏文主编,(2017),新交际英语听力教程1,外语教学与研究出版社。

Cai, H. (2015). Weight-based classification of raters and rater cognition in an EFL speaking test. Language Assessment Quarterly, 12(3), 262–282. DOI: 10.1080/15434303.2015.1053134

Cai, H. (2014). Dictation in language assessment. In C. A. Chapelle (ed.), The encyclopedia of applied linguistics (pp. 1–6). John Wiley & Sons. DOI: 10.1002/9781405198431.wbeal1442

Cai, H. (2013). Partial dictation as a measure of EFL listening proficiency: Evidence from confirmatory factor analysis. Language Testing, 30(2), 177–199. DOI: 10.1177/0265532212456833

Cai, H. (2013). Effects of ability grouping on students’ achievement in EFL listening. Modern Foreign Languages, 36(3), 301–307. 蔡宏文,(2013),分班教学对英语听力进步幅度的效应。现代外语,36(3),301–307。

Bewley, W. L., Lee, J. L., Jones, B., & Cai, H. (2013). Assessing cognitive readiness in a simulation-based training environment. In H. F. O’Neil, R. S. Perez, & E. L. Baker (Eds.), Teaching and measuring cognitive readiness (pp. 253–278). New York: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-7579-8_14




